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We would like to congratulate our outstanding graduate students for receiving the following awards:
- Carlos Ruiz Martinez - E.P. Adler Award
- Peter Miler - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Tucker Gregor - John P. Boyle Award in Catholic Studies
- Andrea Scardina - Pres. and Mrs. Eugene Gilmore Scholarship
- John Sheridan - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Memorial Award
- Osamamen Oba Eduviere - M. Willard Lampe Scholarship Fund
- Kaitlyn Lindgren-Hansen - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- Kefas Lamak - Rev. Louis P. Penningroth Scholarship Award
- Hasan Degerli - Robert and Mary Ann Small Stenger Religious Studies Scholarship
- Naiara Inacio Leão - E.P Adler Award
- Kefas Lamak - Robert and Mary Ann Small Stenger Religious Studies Scholarship
- Kaitlyn Lindgren-Hansen - M. Willard Lampe Scholarship Fund
- Michael MacDougall - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Memorial Award
- Darcy Metcalfe - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Carlos Luiz Martinez - John P. Boyle in Catholic Studies
- Emma Rifai - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- Andrea Scardina - President and Mrs. Eugene Gilmore Scholarship
- John Sheridan - Rev. Louis P. Penningroth Scholarship Award
- Naiara Inacio Leão - Rev. Louis P. Penningroth Scholarship Award
- Kaitlyn Lindgren-Hansen - Pres. and Mrs. Eugene Gilmore Scholarship
- Michael MacDougall - Robert and Mary Ann Small Stenger Religious Studies Scholarship
- Darcy Metcalfe - M. Willard Lampe Scholarship Fund
- Peter Miller - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Memorial Award
- Jan Rippentrop Schnell - John P. Boyle Award in Catholic Studies
- Carlos Ruíz-Martínez - Catholic Studies Scholarship
- John Sheridan - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Jacob Havel - Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship
- Kaitlyn Lindgren-Hansen - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Darcy Metcalfe - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Award, Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship
- Peter Miller - Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship
- Troy Mills - Louis Penningroth Scholarship
- Ive Patel - Barbara W. and Rex E. Montgomery Award
- Pranav Prakash - Barbara W. and Rex E. Montgomery Award
- Emma Rifai - President and Mrs. Eugene Gilmore Award
- Jan Rippentrop - E. P. Adler Award
- Andrea Scardina - M. Willard Lampe Scholarship Fund
- John Sheridan - M. Willard Lampe Scholarship Fund
- Daniel Amodeo - E.P. Adler Award
- Gwendolyn Gillson - Barbara W. and Rex E. Montgomery Award
- Jacob Havel - Rev. Louis P. Penningroth Award
- Darcy Metcalfe - John P. Boyle Award; Hazel Lockhart Rhoads Scholarship
- Peter Miller - Alice Lampe Heidel & John B. Heidel Award
- Troy Mills - Louis Penningroth Scholarship
- Cuma Ozkan - E.P. Adler Award; Graduate College Summer Fellowship; T. Anne Cleary International Dissertation Research Fellowship
- Ive Patel - Marcus Bach Award
- Pranav Prakash - Pres. & Mrs. Eugene Gilmore Award; Marcus Bach Award
- Emma Rifai - Rev. Louis P. Penningroth Award
- Kyle Dieleman - E. P. Adler Award
- Gwendolyn Gillson - Fulbright Research Grant for Japan (Summer 2016-Summer 2017)
- Jacob Havel - Islamic Studies Award
- Peter Miller - Reverend Louis P. Penningroth Scholarship
- Cuma Ozkan - Barbara W. & Rex E. Montgomery Award
- Ive Patel - Alice Lampe Heidel & John B. Heidel Award
Junior Research Fellowship; American Institute of Indian Studies - Emma Rifai - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Jason Sprague - The Study of Religion at Iowa Fund; The Robert and Mary Ann Small Stenger Scholarship, W. Willard Lampe Scholarship
- Kayla Wheeler - Barbara W. & Rex E. Montgomery Award
- Daniel Amodeo - Barbara W. and Rex E. Montgomery Award; Huayu Enrichment Scholarship, Taiwanese Ministry of Education (Fall 2016)
- Peter Basel - Post Comprehensive Research Fellowship
- Kyle Dieleman - Ballard Seashore Dissertation Fellowship (Fall 2016); Post Comprehensive Summer Fellowship (2016)
- Gwendolyn Gillson - Fulbright Research Grant for Japan (Summer 2016-Summer 2017)
- John Kennedy - Ballard Seashore Dissertation Fellowship (Spring 2016); Alice Marguerite Blough Award; Department of History Fellowship;
Marcus Bach Fellowship - Troy Mills - Graduate Diversity Fellowship; African American Studies (AAS) Cultural Research Award
E. P. Adler Award - Cuma Ozkan - T. Anne Cleary International Dissertation Fellowship (Fall 2016); Post Comprehensive Summer Fellowship (2016)
- Pranav Prakash - T. Anne Cleary International Dissertation Research Fellowship (Winter 2016); American Institute of Indian Studies, Chicago - Jr. Research Fellowship (Spring-Summer-Fall 2017); Visiting Scholar at the University of North Carolina
(Affiliate of Royal Holloway, University of London) (Fall 2016) - Jason Sprague - Post Comprehensive Summer Fellowship (Summer 2016); Louis Penningroth Award
- Cory Taylor - Mellon-Sawyer Dissertation; Fellowship (Fall 2016-Spring 2017)
- Kayla Wheeler - Dissertation Diversity Fellowship, Ithaca College (Fall 2016-Spring 2017);
Student Leadership Award, Center for Diversity and Enrichment - Rachel Winter - Islamic Studies Award
- Brandon Dean - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Kyle Dieleman - Alice Lampe Heidel & John B. Heidel Award
- Gwendolyn Gillson - Reverend Louis P. Penningroth Scholarship
- David Greder - Ballard Seashore Dissertation Fellowship
- John Kennedy - John P. Boyle Award
- Hajer Larbi - Barbara W. & Rex E. Montgomery Award
- Sumeyye Pakdil Kesgin - Marcus Bach Dissertation Fellowship
- Pranav Prakash - Alice Lampe Heidel & John B. Heidel Award
- Kayla Wheeler - Pres. and Mrs. Eugene Gilmore Award
- Katherine Cobb - John P. Boyle Award
- Kyle Dieleman - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- David Greder - John P. Boyle Award
- Stephen Scheperle - Barbara W. & Rex E. Montgomery Award; Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship
- Cale Staley - Reverend Louis P. Penningroth Scholarship
- Cory Taylor - Alice Lampe Heidel & John B. Heidel Award
- Kayla Wheeler - Reverend Louis P. Penningroth Scholarship
- Brandon Dean - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- David Greder - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- John Kennedy - Alice Lampe Heidel & John B. Heidel Award
- Ezra Plank - Louis Penningroth Award; Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship
- Stephen Scheperle - Louis Penningroth Award
- Jason Sprague - John P. Boyle Award
- Matthew Wilhite - Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship
- David Greder - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Award
- Abbylynn Helgevold - E.P. Adler Award
- Binita Mehta - Louis Penningroth Award
- Daniel Morris - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Pranav Prakash - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- Kari Thompson - Louis Penningroth Award
- David Greder - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Award
- Patricia Johnston - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Sumeyye Pakdil Kesgin - Donald Haas Award
- Ezra Plank - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- Timothy Stoller - Louis Penningroth Award
- Kari Thompson - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Award
- Christine Darr - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Abbylynn Helgevold - John P. Boyle Award
- David Howlett - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Award
- Douglas Jones - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- Daniel Morris - Louis Penningroth Scholarship
- Ryan O'Leary - Louis Penningroth Award
- Jack Goblirsch - E.P. Adler Award
- Abbylynn Helgevold - Louis Penningroth Award
- A. Andrew Levitt - Louis Penningroth Award
- Kari Thompson - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Award
- Matthew Wilhite - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Peter Yoder - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- Nahed Zehr - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- Christine Darr - E.P. Adler Award
- David Howlett - Barbara W. and Rex Montgomery Award
- Patricia Johnston - Alice Marguerite Blough Award
- Richard McCarty - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Award
- Nancy Menning - Alice Lampe Heidel and John B. Heidel Award
- Michele Petersen - John P. Boyle Award
- Ezra Plank - Louis Penningroth Award
- Kari Thompson - Louis Penningroth Award