Rachel Garza Carreón

Rachel Garza Carreón

Library Liaison
Rachel Garza Carreón is a Library Liaison in the Department of Religious Studies.
Bryan Ringen

Bryan Ringen

IT Support Consultant
Bryan Ringen is the IT Support Consultant in the Department of Religious Studies.
Lindsay Vella is a Departmental Administrator in the Department of Religious Studies.

Lindsay Vella

Departmental Administrator
Lindsay Vella is a Departmental Administrator in the Department of Religious Studies.
photo of Robin Miller

Maureen Walterhouse

Administrative Services Specialist
Maureen Walterhouse is the Administrative Services Specialist in the Department of Religious Studies.
picture of Norah Wolfe

Norah Wolfe

Administrative Services Coordinator
Norah Wolfe is a Administrative Services Coordinator in the Department of Religious Studies.