Tuesday, March 17, 2020
This is a picture of Ruiz Martinez

We are excited to announce that Carlos Ruiz Martinez has recently received two awards, with the most recent being the 2020 Lived Religion in the Digital Age Research Fellowship. Carlos plans to use this fellowship to conduct ethnographic research that focuses on the construction of Catholic masculinity in a predominantly Latino Catholic parish in Ferguson, Missouri.

In addition, Carlos has been chosen as a recipient of the Mother Theodore Guerin Research Travel Grant from Notre Dame's Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism. This program supports scholars whose research projects seek to feature Catholic women more prominently in modern history. Grants are made to scholars seeking to visit any repository in or outside the United States, or traveling to conduct oral history interviews, especially of women religious. According to Carlos, "I will use this grant to continue my archival research into the role of Catholic nuns in the 1980's Sanctuary Movement in the United States. The Sanctuary Movement was/is an interfaith movement that sought to aid Central American migrants who were denied asylum in the United States. Nuns were at the forefront of this movement, but this fact has been overlooked by scholars."

Carlos' advisor is Kristy Nabhan-Warren.

Congratulations Carlos! We are very proud of you!