Monday, June 1, 2020
This is a picture of Dr. Richard Turner

Dr. Richard Turner was recently interviewed by Los Angeles Times Staff Writer Ashley Lee for her article, "Netflix’s ‘The Eddy’ remixed the jazz funeral. Here’s what it is and how they did it". According to Dr. Turner: “Some jazz funerals I’ve attended have hundreds of people waiting outside a church for the body to come outside.” He goes on to say, "There can be thousands of people in these processions, and the dancing could take four hours to complete."

It's no surprise that Ms. Lee chose Dr. Turner to interview about jazz funerals and their importance throughout New Orleans, as he authored the book titled, "Jazz Religion, the Second Line, and Black New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina”, an examination of the musical, religious, and political landscape of black New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina.

Order Dr. Turner's book

Dr. Turner interview: "Left of Black"

Dr. Turner's interview with Dr. Mark Anthony Neal at John Hope Franklin Center at Duke University has recently been added to YouTube. This interview took place while Dr. Turner was attending the Black Muslim Atlantic Symposium in January.  Description:  "New Orleans persists as the premiere hub of black Creole culture in the U.S., preserving a direct connection to traditions ranging from the first & second lines in jazz funerals to the ongoing practice and performance of Black Indian tribal customs."