Friday, January 21, 2022
Jiyun Park successfully defends thesis

Jiyun Park has successfully defended her Department of Religious Studies Master’s Thesis entitled, "Circle Consciousness: Transdisciplinary Inquiries into Nature's Wholeness".

"I extend the deepest gratitude to my advisors:  

  • Diana Cates learned complex systems's knotting mathematics and quantum physics to edit the thesis. Her rhetoric and philosophy background brought invaluable rigor, deep pedagogical inquiries, and expansive heart.  
  • Matthew Arndt knew ahead of my own awareness the scope of work. He held space, mirrored it's processes, and lent vital musicality to the spirit of the work.  
  • Kristy Nabhan-Warren risked allowing me into the program and was patient of myriad adjustments."

Jiyun's future goals include: Pursing curatorial sites for transdisciplinary research of quantum consciousness resonating with deity consciousness through forms-matter-energies; co-creating science-arts curricula while continuing presentations and consulting.

Congratulations Jiyun, and we wish you the best in your future!