Congratulations to Prof. Paul Dilley, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Classics who was recently named a Co-PI on a $150,000 grant from the University's Research and Development Office. This grant will be used to develop enhanced imaging techniques for cultural heritage objects including manuscript, and involves collaboration with faculty in CLAS, the College of Engineering, and the UI Medical School.
Dr. Dilley will be working on the X-ray imaging of various manuscript models and running a bi-monthly lunchtime colloquium on enhanced imaging of cultural heritage, to which all faculty and graduate students in religious studies are very much welcome.
He will be folding that into a series of tutorials from international experts who will be offering workshops on campus in spring of 2022 as a follow-up to the "More than Meets the Eye" conference, which was held on Zoom in March 2020 during the first week of the lockdown.