What is experiential learning?

Experiential learning is an engaged learning process whereby students "learn by doing" and by reflecting on the experience. Experiential learning activities can include, but are not limited to, hands-on laboratory experiments, internships, practicums, field exercises, study abroad, undergraduate research, and studio performances.

Theta Alpha Kappa

National Honor Society for Religious Studies and Theology

In 1976, Professor Albert Clark, F.S.C., established Theta Alpha Kappa at Manhattan College in Riverdale (the Bronx), New York for the purpose of recognizing the academic achievements of religion and theology students.  Since then, Theta Alpha Kappa has grown to more than two hundred chapters nationally in four-year educational institutions ranging from small religiously affiliated colleges to large public research institutions.  It is the only national honor society dedicated to recognizing academic excellence in baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate students and in scholars in the fields of Religious Studies and Theology.

Induction requires nomination by a local chapter and, to be eligible, students must have a 3.5 GPA in religious studies and/or theology and a 3.0 GPA overall. Residency, class ranking, and unit requirements must also be met.

In addition to encouraging the activities of local chapters, Theta Alpha Kappa maintains a vigorous national program of scholarship awards and fellowship competitions; its primary publication, the Journal of Theta Alpha Kappa, offers an annual prize and the publication of outstanding student papers.

Theta Alpha Kappa is an affiliated society of the American Academy of Religion and is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.

The department officially became a member of Theta Alpha Kappa in spring of 2012. We currently have three faculty and 12 student members. 

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If you would like to learn more about Theta Alpha Kappa, contact Dr. Diana Cates at diana-cates@uiowa.edu. Membership is open to undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty who demonstrate excellent academic achievement.

Theta Alpha Cappa updates

Undergraduate Achievement Award 2019

Anna Fish undergrade awardee 2019 TAK

Congratulations to Anne Fish, recipient of the 2019 TAK Undergraduate Achievement Award. Anne was nominated for academic excellence and her leadership in TAK. We appreciate your efforts, Anne!

Undergraduate Achievement Award 2017

Nickie Nguyen undergrad awardee in TAK

Congratulations to Nickie Nguyen, recipient of the 2017 TAK Undergraduate Achievement Award.  Nickie was nominated for academic excellence and her leadership in TAK.  We appreciate your efforts Nickie!

Undergraduate Achievement Award 2015

Ashley Byrd is the undergrade awardee in 2015 in TAK

Congratulations goes out to Ashley Byrd, recipient of the 2015 TAK Undergraduate Achievement Award.  Ashley was nominated for the award because of her outstanding work in the TAK program.  Ashley recently graduated with her BA in Religious Studies and will start the Religious Studies Masters Program here at Iowa this fall.  We appreciate all you've done to help promote TAK Ashley!

Spring 2014 Induction Ceremony

Spring 2014 TAK induction ceremony

On Thursday, May 8, 2014 the department welcomed six new members during the Spring 2014 Induction Ceremony.  New members from left to right, are Ashley Byrd (undergraduate), Gwendolyn Gillson, Cale Staley and Alicia Vermeer (graduate students), and Andrew DeLoucas (undergraduate).  Professor Jordan Smith, far right, conducted the ceremony. 

We would like to give a warm welcome to our newest TAK members!

David Krouwer awarded first Undergraduate Achievement Award

David Krouwer first undergad achievement award

David Krouwer is the recipient of the first Theta Alpha Kappa Undergraduate Achievement Award at the University of Iowa Department of Religious Studies.  David Krouwer is seen here accepting the award from Professor Michelene Pesantubbee, Chapter President. 

Congratulations David, and thank you for your time and commitment to TAK!   

University resources

Undergraduate research

Gain hands-on experience by participating in the research and creative discovery of faculty and staff.


Build on-the-job experience while connecting and networking with professionals in your field.

Study abroad

Enhance your degree, stand out to employers, shape your own perspective, and transform into a global citizen.

Community-engaged courses

Apply your academic skills and knowledge to help community partners solve real-world problems.