Friday, May 29, 2020
This is a picture of Dr. Kristy Nabhan-Warren

Congratulations to Dr. Nabhan-Warren for having her first OpEd published in the USA Today titled, "Coronavirus pandemic shines a light on the risks meatpackers are facing: The gaping chasm between U.S. immigration policy and the global demand for meat make meatpackers' existence more precarious than ever".

Dr. Kristy is the author of the forthcoming book with University of North Carolina Press (Fall 2021): "Meat America: The Work of Faith in the Heartland." Over period of six years, Kristy interviewed many migrant and refugee families, and conducted research inside two Iowa meatpacking plants, so she has firsthand knowledge of the struggles they face.    

Dr. Kristy's OpEd starts out:  "Precarity. It defines refugees’ and economic migrants’ lives. Violence, trauma and poverty caused them to flee their countries, and they live in rural communities, areas most Americans dub “flyover country.” Workers from around the world toil in the most dangerous profession in the United States: meatpacking."  

read the article