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The Department of Religious Studies Advisory Board
The Department of Religious Studies is committed to wide-spread public engagement, not only because we hope to educate surrounding communities about religious diversity, but also because it is through such engagement that we educate ourselves about changes in Iowans’ ways of thinking about religion. Our Advisory Board provides an important vehicle for such engagement—with members from the business community, legal community, religious organizations, the media, and more. The board is an indispensable resource for helping the department to gain perspective on how best to meet the needs of our constituencies.
Board members

Anna Blaedel
Executive Director, University of Iowa Wesley Foundation

Adam Blind
Director of Development, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Mark Ginsberg
Owner, M.C. Ginsberg Jewelers and Objects of Art

Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz
Rabbi, Agudas Achim Congregation

Salma Igram
Vice President/CFO, Cedar Graphics, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Joan Kjaer Kirkman
Director, Communications & Relations, International Programs, University of Iowa

Jeff Liebermann
Assistant Vice President Development, Main Campus

Rev. William Lovin
Minister, The Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

Jeffrey Portman
Rabbi Emeritus, Agudas Achim Congregation