Lanfu Yang

PhD Candidate (Pre-Comp)

Ezekiel Yang is a second year PhD student in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Iowa. His research focuses on modern and contemporary Chinese religiosity. More specifically, he is interested in probing the diverse modalities of religious practices in China today and how they have interacted with state organs and policies.

Coming from the central Chinese province Henan, Ezekiel first earned his BA at Millsaps College in 2016. He then graduated from Duke University’s Religious Studies MA program with a concentration in East Asian religions. During his last semester at Duke, he served as the research assistant of the humanities lab “ ‘Asia’ in the Making of American Religiosity: A View from North Carolina.”

Courses taught

  • RELS:1506 Introduction to Buddhism
  • RELS:2000:0EXW Religious Diversity for Leadership/Entrepreneurs (Fall 2022)
Lanfu Yang
MA, Duke University
BA, Millsaps College
Contact Information

University of Iowa
322 Gilmore Hall (GILH)
112 North Capitol Street
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States